What Would Helen Do?
Originally written to share my experience with a group of young women who I mentored in the workplace.
1. Be clear about your calling
2. Pray, pray and pray again
3. Trust God step by step
4. Be intentional
5. Make a plan for meetings, for projects, for the day, week, month & year ahead
6. Share your project plan with everyone involved
7. Use tables, grids and matrix to summarise information, especially when comparing between different options
8. Keep it simple: what you say, write and do
9. Whenever possible limit written documents e.g. proposals to two sides of A4
10. Use highlighter pens when reading/reviewing documents so it’s easy to refer back later to key points
11. Consider whether to communicate something verbally or in writing: communication is much clearer
when your facial expression can be seen and the tone of your voice heard
12. Reread emails before sending and check the thread is OK to share
13. Don’t reply in haste & don’t use emails for disagreement or confrontation
14. Remember others may legitimately have different priorities from you
15. Take corporate responsibility (rather than seeking your team or personal interests)
16. Lobby people ahead of a meeting where a decision is being taken
17. Reduce risk by piloting new initiatives
18. When managing change:
Communication is critical
You need to slow down to adjust to change
19. Ask questions so that others are informed by the answers
20. Be clear about what you want, when you want it and why you want it.
21. Smile
22. Remember you are probably coming across more confidently than you feel.
23. Dress with confidence: for women scarves, earrings, makeup, heels can all help how you feel!
24. Be appreciative & say thank you
25. Give feedback, including constructive criticism
26. Review and learn
Author and copyright Helen Calder 2019